Decided to brew an American Amber Ale this morning, and got an early start to avoid the heat (100+).
I based the recipe on the great wiki here, which was incredibly helpful. I ended up getting slightly better efficiency than anticipated, and it looks like it will be slightly too high in the SG to be in style, but hopefully it will be a decent representation of a dark, crystally AAA.
I used the following ingredient list -
Grain -
9lbs Pale Malt
1lb Munich Malt
1lb Crystal 40 (I may have accidentally gotten 60 when I was at the LHBS)
1lb Crystal 80
Hop Schedule -
0.7oz Centennial First Wort Hop
0.6oz Centennial 20 minutes
0.2oz Centennial 5 minutes
o.5oz Centennial 0 minutes
Yeast -
Safale US-05
Mash -
153 F
Details -
SG - 1.062
IBUS - 35.5
SRM - 15.2
I'm going to ferment as close to 60F as possible, which will be fun with the 100F temps we're experiencing.
Edit - Fermentation has been more in the 70F range. I have been bested by the heat.
Update - June 1 2009
Did my first tasting, and measured the FG. Gravity was down to 1.011, which is slightly lower than expected, but still within range. There was not a lot of hop aroma, but the bitterness was about right. The beer was a little alcohol flavored, which I am attributing to the hotter fermentation temps. Hopefully a little time, cold and carbonation will make it less apparent.